Water Machine
Time to read 4 min
Time to read 4 min
The World's Most Important Product
What is the world’s most indispensable product? If there were one investment to secure and generate income, what would it be? Is there something that every human, animal, and living entity requires?
The answer is unequivocally— water. It’s essential for you, your family, your pets, and even your plants.
But, so what? There's more water on earth than there is land, right? Yes, but 97% of that water is saltwater. And saltwater, of course, is saturated with salt.
Anyone who drinks only saltwater will soon suffer from severe dehydration as the body struggles to expel the excess salt.
Of course, humans can utilize saltwater... if... the salt is removed. But, that process is very costly! Saltwater is also not suitable for agriculture or industry.
It kills most crops and rapidly corrodes machinery.
In reality, only a scant 3% of the world's water is fresh, not salty. But, most of that fresh water is locked in glaciers and ice caps or deep underground. Which means...
And, a significant portion of that water is so polluted it kills thousands daily and makes millions gravely ill.
Do you own a house?
If so, go to your basement with a hacksaw and cut off about an inch of a water pipe. Then, use a strong flashlight to inspect the inside. What you’ll likely see is NOT pretty.
Rust... Sediment... Lead... Dirt... Particles of organic matter like rodent feces... Chlorine... Mercury... and various other contaminants that are harmful when ingested.
Consider this: Even if your city does a flawless job (it doesn’t; it’s not even close) of purifying your water supply...
Your Water, After Traveling Through Miles Of Pipes, Still Likely Contains Numerous Contaminants When It Reaches Your Faucet!
That’s why most Americans have fewer dental cavities today: The chlorine in our drinking water kills the tiny microbes that erode tooth enamel. However, using a toxin like chlorine to eliminate harmful microbes is akin to chemotherapy for cancer.
Not only do the cancer cells get destroyed; many healthy cells are also damaged... and often... hair falls out, extreme fatigue sets in, and zest for life diminishes.
Speaking of cancer, there are five articles in recognized publications from the EPA, Massachusetts General Hospital, University of Alabama, University of Georgia, and the University of Florida proving...
Moreover, it has numerous other detrimental (severely detrimental) health effects. But wait! Don’t blame your local water company. They are likely doing their best given the enormous problems they face. Yes, it’s true: Chlorine is harmful. But, the “bad guys” that would otherwise thrive in our water supply... if... it wasn’t chlorinated... are truly nightmarish, like E-coli, amoebic cysts, cryptosporidium, giardia, and more, causing...
Again, chlorine is like chemotherapy: It’s the lesser of two evils. Any way you look at it, it’s a terrible situation.
It’s no wonder the bottled water industry is booming. How big is it? I’m glad you asked. In the U.S. alone, annual bottled water sales exceed... 4.2 billion dollars! But, there are issues with bottled water:
(1) There are about 350 different brands, and not all offer good water. Some are as bad as regular tap water. Some are worse. In fact, some are just tap water. What a scam: Fill a plastic bottle with tap water... and then... sell it at a 2,000% markup!
2) Whether good or bad, bottled water is expensive.
For instance, in Los Angeles at a local convenience store, a bottle of water costs $4 for 16.9 oz. Do the math, and this translates to $30.30 per gallon.
Plus, almost every American who buys bottled water buys a lot. You need water daily. And, if you exercise, you need even more. That’s why many health-conscious Americans...
Now, here’s the good news—there’s a way for you not only to filter this dreadful tap water into clean, hydrating, and alkaline water but also to save money and even earn substantial income. Imagine that!
They created a water machine that’s portable, easily connects to any faucet in your home, and purifies your water.
Which means, instead of paying $30 per gallon for bottled water (which is NOT even guaranteed to be pure), you get water that IS guaranteed pure for mere pennies per gallon. Plus, you don’t need to rush back to the store whenever you need more water.
The Kangen machine doesn’t just filter and clean the water—it enhances it. Kangen Water is a type of alkaline water produced by a specific ionization process developed in Japan.
This process involves running water through an electrolysis machine, which separates it into alkaline and acidic components.
During this process, the Kangen machine transforms regular tap water by passing it through a patented electrical current, creating different pH levels. The machine offers 5 main settings and pH levels for various uses:
Kangen Water® (pH 8.5, 9.0, 9.5) :
Uses: Clean, purified and alkaline water for drinking daily
Clean Water (pH 7.0) :
Uses: Ideal for baby formulas and medications
Beauty Water (pH 4.0-6.0) :
Uses: Acts as a natural astringent, great for skin care, Improves hair shine.
Strong Acidic Water (pH 2.7 and below) :
Uses: Disinfecting and sanitizing, cleaning kitchen utensils and countertops
Strong Kangen Water® (pH 11.0 and above) :
Uses: Removing oils and pesticides from produce, cleaning and degreasing surfaces